Just the other day I ran into a friend that used to live across the street from me. He has a wonderful wife and family and he has earned my respect. He has a son the same age as my missionary. Of course, the first thing he wants to know is how my missionary is doing. I'm getting better at explaining that my missionary is no longer a missionary. Of course, he was sorry and wanted to know more. During the course of our conversation I forwarded a guess that 10% of all missionaries are coming home early. He disagreed: He thinks the number is more like 20%!

I think 20% is high. My uncle was a mission president in Ireland; 17 missionaries left his mission early. If there are 53,000 missionaries world wide a 20% early return rate would mean a whopping 10,600 won't make it! That seems high to me. A ten percent rate would equate to 5,300, which is still a lot of missionaries. Let's say ten percent is the right number. If there are 360 missions, then each mission would see about 15 return earlier than expected in a two year period, which would mean 180 missionaries coming home every month, or 6 in transit every day of the month!

The real number would be interesting to know because it casts more light on a problem that could use a little more attention, in my humble opinion. Could some of these missionaries have been saved? Rather than send them home, is there not some way to keep them in the field in a productive capacity? It's a difficult question to answer; the details for each instance are as unique as the missionaries themselves. More on this later, but we're smart, inspired people. Surely there's an alternative.
7/21/2012 04:01:51 am

I totally agree with you that there should be an alternative to sending them home. Every mission president is different, and foreign mission presidents can be very different culturally as well. I know that sometimes one missionary might be sent home while another one won't, for similar infractions or problems. Some mission presidents are inclined to work with them, others just want them out of there. Also there are different time-frames given for returning depending on if you caught your ecclesiastical leader on a good day or not. I guess there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this problem. I guess we just have to trust and have faith that even these challenges have a purpose in our lives. And sometimes it's not fair.

10/3/2012 11:12:31 am

I went visiting teaching to a sister who just had a son come home from Brazil. His mission president sent 60 missionaries home in the course of his mission. That's 20 per year, a couple per month. That's a lot. I think it's harder to be successful in some missions and parts of the world.


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